
Circular Communities Cymru is a Community Interest Company Limited by Guarantee, meaning we are driven not by a desire to build share capital for outside investors, but to build community capital here in Wales.

Circular Communities Cymru sees a Circular Economy where the benefits are felt by all of us; here in our communities. Whilst Circular Economic thinking has made great strides in the corporate space, the true benefit, beyond the shop floor of industry, is yet to be felt in our day-to-day lives.

Circular Communities Cymru is dedicated to remodeling and redirecting the output of the Welsh economy towards sustainably serving its people and communities, as it used to. This rejuvenation and re-awakening of Wales’s communities requires a circular approach.

Our end goal is to enable community leaders and small businesses to enjoy the opportunities that high recycling rates offer, channeling this thinking across the piste; a Wales that is totally self-sufficient in the resources, food and wealth that it needs.


Eifion Picture BW2
Eifion Williams
CEO Circular Communities Cymru
Claire Savage
Claire Savage
Ymgynghorydd i'r Bwrdd. Perchennog Cwmni Accord PR a Prif Swyddog Polisi ar gyfer Undebau Credyd Cymru
Robert Little
Robert Little
Chadeirydd Bwrdd Hyfforddi ac Ymgynghorol y Diwidiant Rheoli Gwastraff
Ellen Petts
Ellen Petts
Prif Weithredwr CBC Greenstream Flooring


Marcus Hayday
Malcolm Hayday
Sylfaenydd a chyn-Brif Weithredwr Charity Bank UK
Jenny Sims
Jenny Sims
Cyn Brif Weithredwr FRAME
Gerry Gillespie
Gerry Gillespie
City to Soil, Awstralia
Lyn Cadwallader
Lyn Cadwallader
Un Llais Cymru
Mal Williams
Mal Williams
Ymddiriedolaeth Ryngwladol Sero Wastreff

International advisors

Gerry Gillespie
Gerry Gillespie, Awstralia
Dychwelyd Maeth i'r Pridd
Kim Russell
Kim Russell, Awstralia
StumpJump Foundation
Iain Gulland
Iain Gulland, Yr Alban
Prif Weithredwr, Alban Sero Wastraff
Neil Seldman
Neil Seldman, UDA
Y Sefydliad ar gyfer Hunanddirbyniaeth Leol
Jack Mc Quiggan
Jack McQuiggan, Ewrop
Dinasoedd Sero Wastraff, Ewrop Sero Wastraff
Eric Lombardi
Eric Lombardi, UDA
Rodrigo Sabatini
Rodrigo Sabatini, Brasil
Llywydd, Sefydliad Brasil Sero Wastraff
Enzo Favoino
Enzo Favoino, Yr Eifal
Eidal Zero Wastraff
Mary Mc Guiggan
Mary McGuiggan, Gogledd Iwerddon
Gogledd-Orllewin Sero Wastraff
Sonia Mendoza
Sonia Mendoza, Philippines
Sefydliad y Fam Ddear
Ric Anthony
Ric Anthony
Gynghrair Rynglwladol Sero Wastraff
Eric Randall
Eric Randall, Gogledd Iwerddon
Bryson Recycling
Shibu K Nair
Shibu K Nair, India
Leslie Lukacs
Leslie Lukacs, UDA
Sonoma Sero Wastraff
Terry Mc Donald
Terry McDonald, UDA
St Vincent de Paul, Oregon
Max Purnell
Max Purnell, Seland Newydd
Pridd Cyntaf
Buddy Boyd
Buddy Boyd, Canada
Depo Ailgylchu Gibsons a Chanada Sero Wastraff
Jabir Karat
Jabir Karat, India
Greenworms Waste Management
Dan Knapp
Dan Knapp, UDA
Mwynau'r Ddinas
Mariette Hopley
Mariette Hopley, De Africa
De Africa Sero Wastraff
Paul Connett
Paul Connett, UDA
Ymgyrchydd Sero Wastraff
Warren Snow
Warren Snow, Seland Newydd
Akira Sakano
Akira Sakano, Siapan
Fforwm Economaidd y Byd a'r Academi Sero Wastraff
Ray Georgeson
Ray Georgeson, Yr Alban
Adnoddau Ray Georgeson
Joan Marc Simon
Joan Marc Simon, Ewrop
Sero Wastraff Ewrop
Pal Martensson
Pal Martensson, Sweden
Y Gynghrair Ryngwladol Sero Wastraff
Sue Coutts
Sue Coutts, Seland Newydd
Rhwydwaith Sero Wastraff Seland Newydd
Ashraf Asfour
Ashraf Asfour, Yr Aifft
Tywysydd Teithiau Saeneg - Zabbaleen
Matthew Pumfrey
Matthew Pumfrey, Lloegr
MWP Consulting
Sheryl Stivens
Sheryl Stivens, Seland Newydd
Ymgynghrydd - Ashburton
Dorte Wray
Dorte Wray, Seland Newydd
Prif Weithredwr Rhwydwaith Sero Wastraff Seland Newydd
Charles Moore
Charles Moore, UDA
Ymchwil Llygredd Plasig y Mor Algalita
Rick Thorpe
Rick Thorpe, Sero Wastraff
Sero Wastraff i'r Eithaf

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