Cosi Caffi

Building on the Green Shed project, Circular Economy Wales hopes to open shops in city and town centres across Wales to make services that support sustainable development accessible to the public. Alongside beverages and refreshments, visitors to the Cosi Cafes will be able to find printed and digital materials about these services, with staff available to assist with enquiries.


Located on high streets, the Cosi Cafes will be colourful educational hubs for communities to access information on local services that support sustainable development.

Visitors will be able to find information and advice on a variety of topics, including local reuse projects, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable and healthy eating, wellbeing and employment.

They will also be able to access information from the Welsh Government on its sustainability commitments and plans, as well as information on public health issues such as Covid-19.

Local retailers with a sustainability focus will be able to use these centres to advertise their goods and services. Circular Economy Wales hopes that the complementary currency system CELYN will be used for transactions to retain economic activity within Wales.